The real magic.

I recently took my kiddo Jack to the Museum of Illusions in Seattle. As we wandered through rooms where bridges seemed to tilt, our bodies morphed in mirrors, and images appeared to move despite being static, it reminded me: what we see isn't always what's real. What we think we know can shift in an instant, especially when viewed from a different angle.

The experience made me think about how often I rely on my mind to analyze and rationalize things. Like those museum illusions, my mind has sometimes led me off my path — convincing me that if I just looked at something the right way, or thought about it long enough, I could make it true. But the mind, as powerful and brilliant as it may be, doesn’t always have the right answer. 

Watching Jack's face light up with wonder also reminded me: the heart doesn't need to rationalize. It just knows. It knows belonging. It has known when I've felt truly safe and loved. It has known when something was off, even when my mind crafted elaborate explanations for why everything was fine. And it has known — long before I was ready to admit it — when it was time to let go.

Jack’s playful, unhindered approach to this world of illusions was a reminder: he experiences life through his heart. And when I do the same, everything feels so much more clear. 

Maybe the real magic isn’t in optical illusions, but in learning to trust our hearts.


  • Love your writing!❤️

  • This. <3

    And love the pic!

  • I love this.

    Cindy McKinney

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